Water is life.
The sound of a flowing river, the rhythmic lapping of waves, or even the stillness of a calm lake resonates within us. The gentle presence of water has the power to stir something ancient and fundamental within us.
As in this quote from Rumi where water isn’t even mentioned, we just need its symbolic presence in our mind to awaken the essence of life.
When you do things from your soul, you feel a river moving in you, a joy.
People seem to find peace and a sense of belonging when they are near water, coexisting in harmony with nature.
While walking around with my camera I tend to notice things and behaviours that I wouldn’t otherwise, and I’m often drawn to spending time near lakes.
Far away from the hectic rush of our daily life, alongside the water everything slows down to nature’s rhythm. It’s like entering a timeless sanctuary from modern life, where calmness bring senses back to life.
A perfect place to step back, reflect on life from a vantage point, and see with depth and clarity the path ahead.
To rediscover what truly matters.
Living in the agitated fervour of our society, It’s in this stillness that we find the strength to refocus, rebuild, and step forward with confidence.
Regain balance.